Wednesday, July 7, 2010

My Campaign Platform

I am a populist.

I believe in the wisdom of the people I seek to represent.

Therefore, my political campaign platform is built on the wishes of the Ward 1 voters contained in my Seguin Quotes website section.

My Promise: If elected, I will work for four years to resolve the issues presented to me by the voters as described in my Seguin Quotes. Those with the most consensus will go closer to the top of the list of To Dos. Also, matters which are more pressing, say, dealing with public safety would be dealt with before road drainage issues. But, with your name attached to a Seguin Quote, I take your words very seriously and you will hear from me personally during the course of my term on the subject of your interest.

If elected, I promise to document in text and photographs my efforts to address the issues presented to me during the campaign, actions taken, response from responsible parties, and, hopefully, positive outcomes. Because problems presented to me may place one neighbour against another, there may often be no 'right' outcome. However, I promise to address the issue and seek compromise and understanding between parties to the best of my ability.

This is the simpliest, and best idea I can think of in terms of representing a ward as councillor. It just makes sense to me. If you have any ideas of how my platform can be improved in helping people with their township problems, please e-mail me and I'll give it full consideration and maybe take it on board.

So, my platform is to give the people what they want - to the best of my ability. That's total accountability, folks.

The important thing for me to do is listen, understand, then take action. This blog will record how and why I succeed or fail.

This is my election promise. Straight and simple.